Source code for satellite_populate.main

# coding: utf8
"""Point of entry for populate and validate used in scripts"""
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from pprint import pformat

import fauxfactory
import import_string
import os
import yaml

from satellite_populate.constants import DEFAULT_CONFIG
from satellite_populate.utils import remove_keys, remove_nones

[docs]def setup_yaml(): """Set YAML to use OrderedDict""" represent_dict_order = lambda self, data: self.represent_mapping( # noqa ',2002:map', data.items() ) yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, represent_dict_order)
[docs]def load_data(datafile): """Loads YAML file as a dictionary""" if datafile.endswith(('.yml', '.yaml', 'json')): with open(datafile) as opened_file: data = yaml.load(opened_file) data['input_filename'] = datafile return data return yaml.load(datafile)
[docs]def get_populator(data, **kwargs): """Gets an instance of populator dynamically""" if not isinstance(data, dict): data = load_data(data) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError( "Data must be a valid filepath, dict, json or YAML string" ) config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() config.update(remove_nones(data.get('config', {}))) config.update(remove_nones(kwargs)) populator_name = config['populator'] populator_module_name = config['populators'][populator_name]['module'] populator_class = import_string(populator_module_name) populator = populator_class(data=data, config=config) return populator
[docs]def populate(data, **kwargs): """Loads and execute populator in populate mode""" kwargs = remove_nones(kwargs) populator = get_populator(data, **kwargs) populator.execute()"%s finished!", populator.mode) if populator.mode == 'populate' and populator.config.get('enable_output'): save_rendered_data( populator, kwargs.get( 'output' ) or "{0}.yaml".format(fauxfactory.gen_string('alpha')) ) return populator
[docs]def default_context_wrapper(result): """Takes the result of populator and keeps only useful data e.g. in decorators context.registered_name, context.config.verbose and context.vars.admin_username will all be available. """ context = result.registry context.config = result.config context.vars = result.vars return context
[docs]def save_rendered_data(result, filepath): """Save the result of rendering in a new file to be used for validation""" file_format = os.path.splitext(filepath)[-1] if file_format not in ('.json', '.yml', '.yaml', '.py'): raise ValueError("Invalid filename extension") data = OrderedDict({ 'input_filename': result.input_filename, 'config': dict(result.config), 'vars': dict(result.vars), 'actions': result.rendered_actions }) data['config']['mode'] = 'validate' data['config'] = remove_keys(data['config'], 'output') # should remove username, password, hostname ? data['config'] = remove_nones(data['config']) directory, filename = os.path.split(filepath) if not directory and data.get('input_filename'): directory = os.path.dirname(result.input_filename) if not filename.startswith('validation'): filename = "validation_{0}".format(filename) filepath = os.path.join(directory, filename) with open(filepath, 'w') as output: if file_format in ('.yml', '.yaml'): output.write(yaml.dump(data)) elif file_format == '.json': output.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) elif file_format == '.py': output.write("data = {0}".format(pformat(dict(data)))) result.logger.debug("Validation data saved in %s", filepath)