Source code for satellite_populate.commands

# coding: utf-8
This module contains commands to interact with satellite populator
and validator.

Commands included:


A command to populate the system based in an YAML file describing the

    $ satellite-populate file.yaml -h -o /tmp/validation.yaml


A command to validate the system based in an validation file generated by
the populate or a YAML file with mode: validation::

    $ satellite-populate /tmp/validation.yaml

Use :code:`$ satellite-populate --help` for more info
import sys

import click

from satellite_populate.constants import TEST_DATA
from satellite_populate.main import populate

[docs]def execute_populate(datafile, verbose, output, mode, scheme, port, hostname, username, password, report=True, enable_output=True): """Populate using the data described in `datafile`:""" result = populate( datafile, verbose=verbose, output=output, mode=mode, scheme=scheme, port=port, hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, enable_output=enable_output ) if not report: return "{0} entities already existing in the system".format( len(result.found) ) ) if result.mode == 'populate': "{0} entities were created in the system".format( len(result.created) ) ) if result.assertion_errors: for error in result.assertion_errors: data = error['data'] result.logger.error( 'assertion: %s is NOT %s to %s', data['value'], error['operator'], data['other'] ) if result.mode == 'validate': sys.exit("System entities did not validated!") if result.validation_errors: for error in result.validation_errors: result.logger.error(error['message']) result.logger.error(error['search']) if result.mode == 'validate': sys.exit("System entities did not validated!") else: if result.mode == 'validate':"System Validated!!!")
VERBOSE_HELP = """ envvar:POPULATE_VERBOSE -v(1):DEBUG -vv(2):INFO -vvv(3):WARNING -vvvv(4):ERROR -vvvvv(5):CRITICAL """ @click.command() @click.argument( 'datafile', required=False, type=click.Path(), envvar='POPULATE_DATAFILE' ) @click.option( '-v', '--verbose', count=True, envvar='POPULATE_VERBOSE', help=VERBOSE_HELP ) @click.option( '-o', '--output', type=click.Path(), default=None, envvar='POPULATE_OUTPUT', help="""envvar:POPULATE_OUTPUT Filepath to output the validation file e.g: -o=validation_123.yaml """ ) @click.option( '-m', '--mode', type=click.Choice(choices=('populate', 'validate')), default=None, envvar='POPULATE_MODE', help="""envvar:POPULATE_MODE valid modes are populate and validate""" ) @click.option('--scheme', default=None, envvar='POPULATE_SCHEMA', help="""envvar:POPULATE_SCHEMA\noptional url schema""") @click.option('--port', default=None, envvar='POPULATE_PORT', type=int, help="""envvar:POPULATE_PORT\noptional url port""") @click.option('-h', '--hostname', default=None, envvar='POPULATE_HOSTNAME', help="""envvar:POPULATE_HOSTNAME\nSatellite""") @click.option('-u', '--username', default=None, envvar='POPULATE_USERNAME', help="""envvar:POPULATE_USERNAME\nAdmin user""") @click.option('-p', '--password', default=None, envvar='POPULATE_PASSWORD', help="""envvar:POPULATE_PASSWORD\nAdmin Password""") @click.option('-t', '--test', default=False, help="Run a simple test", is_flag=True) @click.option('-r', '--report/--no-report', default=True, is_flag=True, help="Show execution report?") @click.option('--enable-output/--no-output', default=True, is_flag=True, help="Should write validation file?") def main(datafile, verbose, output, mode, scheme, port, hostname, username, password, test, report, enable_output): """Populates or validates Satellite entities. Full documentation can be found on:\n $ satellite-populate test_data.yaml -vv\n $ satellite-populate test_data.yaml -vv --mode=validate\n $ satellite-populate test_data.yaml -vv -h """ if test: datafile = TEST_DATA verbose = 1 report = False if not datafile: main(['--help']) execute_populate(datafile, verbose, output, mode, scheme, port, hostname, username, password, report, enable_output) if __name__ == "__main__": main()