satellite_populate package


satellite_populate.api module

Implements API populator using Nailgun

class satellite_populate.api.APIPopulator(data, verbose=None, mode=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: satellite_populate.base.BasePopulator

Populates system using API/Nailgun

action_create(rendered_action_data, action_data, search, model, silent_errors)[source]

Creates new entity if does not exists or get existing entity and return Entity object

action_delete(rendered_action_data, action_data, search, model, silent_errors)[source]

Deletes an existing entity

action_update(rendered_action_data, action_data, search, model, silent_errors)[source]

Updates an existing entity

add_and_log_error(action_data, rendered_action_data, search, e=None)[source]

Add to validation errors and outputs error

populate(rendered_action_data, action_data, search, action)[source]

Populates the System using Nailgun based on value provided in action argument gets the proper CRUD method to execute dynamically

validate(rendered_action_data, action_data, search, action)[source]

Based on action fields or using action_data[‘search_query’] searches the system and validates the existence of all entities

satellite_populate.assertion_operators module

Implement basic assertions to be used in assertion action

satellite_populate.assertion_operators.eq(value, other)[source]

Equal, other)[source]

Greater than

satellite_populate.assertion_operators.gte(value, other)[source]

Greater than or equal

satellite_populate.assertion_operators.identity(value, other)[source]

Identity check using ID, other)[source]

Lower than

satellite_populate.assertion_operators.lte(value, other)[source]

Lower than or equal, other)[source]

Not equal

satellite_populate.base module

Base module for satellite_populate reads the YAML definition and perform all the rendering and basic actions.

class satellite_populate.base.BasePopulator(data, verbose=None, mode=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for API and CLI populators

action_assertion(rendered_action_data, action_data)[source]

Run assert operations

action_echo(rendered_action_data, action_data)[source]

After message is echoed to log, check if needs print

action_register(rendered_action_data, action_data)[source]

Register arbitrary items to the registry

action_unregister(rendered_action_data, action_data)[source]

Remove data from registry


Add modules dynamically to render context

add_rendered_action(action_data, rendered_action_data)[source]

Add rendered action to be written in validation file

add_to_registry(action_data, result, append=True)[source]

Add objects to the internal registry

build_raw_query(data, action_data)[source]

Builds nailgun raw_query for search

Build search data and returns a dict containing elements

  • data Dictionary of parsed rendered_action_data to be used to i nstantiate an object to searched without raw_query.
  • options if search_options are specified it is passed to .search(**options)
  • searchable Returns boolean True if model inherits from EntitySearchMixin, else alternative search must be implemented.

if search_query is available in action_data it will be used instead of rendered_action_data.

build_search_options(data, action_data)[source]

Builds nailgun options for search raw_query: Some API endpoints demands a raw_query, so build it as in example: {‘query’: {‘search’:’name=name,label=label,id=28’}}

force_raw: Returns a boolean if action_data.force_raw is explicitly specified


Return config dynamically because it can be overwritten by user in datafile or by custom populator


Return a list of crud_actions, actions that gets data and perform nailgun crud operations so custom populators can overwrite this list to add new crud actions.


Iterates the entities property described in YAML file and parses its values, variables and substitutions depending on mode execute populate or validate

from_factory(action_data, context)[source]

Generates random content using fauxfactory

from_read(action_data, context)[source]

Gets fields and perform a read to return Entity object used when ‘from_read’ directive is used in YAML file

Gets fields and perform a search to return Entity object used when ‘from_search’ directive is used in YAML file

get_search_result(model, search, unique=False, silent_errors=False)[source]

Perform a search


Reads default search rules then update first with custom populator defined rules and then user defined in datafile.

populate(rendered_action_data, raw_entity, search_query, action)[source]

Should be implemented in sub classes

populate_modelname(rendered_action_data, action_data, search_query, action)[source]

Example on how to implement custom populate methods e.g: def populate_organization This method should take care of all validations and errors.


Subclasses of custom populators can extend this rules

render(action_data, action)[source]

Takes an entity description and strips ‘data’ out to perform single rendering and also handle repetitions defined in with_items

render_action_data(data, context)[source]

Gets a single action_data and perform inplace template rendering or reference evaluation depending on directive being used.

render_assertion_data(action_data, rendered_action_data)[source]

Render items on assertion data

resolve_result(data, from_where, k, v, result)[source]

Used in from_search and from_object to get specific attribute from object e.g: name. Or to invoke a method when attr is a dictionary of parameters.


Set gpgkey

validate(rendered_action_data, raw_entity, search_query, action)[source]

Should be implemented in sub classes

validate_modelname(rendered_action_data, action_data, search_query, action)[source]

Example on how to implement custom validate methods e.g:: def validate_organization This method should take care of all validations and errors.

satellite_populate.cli module

To be implemented: a populator using CLI

satellite_populate.commands module

This module contains commands to interact with satellite populator and validator.

Commands included:


A command to populate the system based in an YAML file describing the entities:

$ satellite-populate file.yaml -h -o /tmp/validation.yaml


A command to validate the system based in an validation file generated by the populate or a YAML file with mode: validation:

$ satellite-populate /tmp/validation.yaml

Use $ satellite-populate --help for more info

satellite_populate.commands.execute_populate(datafile, verbose, output, mode, scheme, port, hostname, username, password, report=True, enable_output=True)[source]

Populate using the data described in datafile:

satellite_populate.constants module

Default base config values

satellite_populate.decorators module

decorators for populate feature

satellite_populate.decorators.populate_with(data, context_name=None, context_wrapper=<function default_context_wrapper>, **extra_options)[source]

To be used in test cases as a decorator

Having a data_file like:

  - model: Organization
    register: organization_1
      name: My Org

Then you can use in decorators:

def test_case_(self):
    'My Org exists in system test anything here'

And getting the populated entities inside the test_case:

@populate_with('file.yaml', context_name='my_context')
def test_case_(self, my_context=None):
    assert == 'My Org'

You can also set a customized context wrapper to the context_wrapper argument:

def my_custom_context_wrapper(result):
    # create an object using result
    my_context = MyResultContext(result)
    return my_context

@populate_with('file.yaml', context_name='my_context',
def test_case_(self, my_context=None):
    # assert with some expression using my_context object returned
    # my_custom_context_wrapper
    assert some_expression


That is important that ``context_name`` argument always be declared
using either a default value ``my_context=None`` or handle in
``**kwargs`` Otherwise ``py.test`` may try to use this as a fixture

if context_wrapper is set to None, my_context will be the pure
unmodified result of populate function.

satellite_populate.main module

Point of entry for populate and validate used in scripts


Takes the result of populator and keeps only useful data e.g. in decorators context.registered_name, context.config.verbose and context.vars.admin_username will all be available.

satellite_populate.main.get_populator(data, **kwargs)[source]

Gets an instance of populator dynamically


Loads YAML file as a dictionary

satellite_populate.main.populate(data, **kwargs)[source]

Loads and execute populator in populate mode

satellite_populate.main.save_rendered_data(result, filepath)[source]

Save the result of rendering in a new file to be used for validation


Set YAML to use OrderedDict

satellite_populate.utils module

class satellite_populate.utils.SmartDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: dict

A Dict which is accessible via attribute dot notation


format result to show in logs

satellite_populate.utils.import_from_string(import_name, *args, **kwars)[source]

Try import string and then try builtins

satellite_populate.utils.remove_keys(data, *args, **kwargs)[source]

remove keys from dictionary d = {‘item’: 1, ‘other’: 2, ‘keep’: 3} remove_keys(d, ‘item’, ‘other’) d -> {‘keep’: 3} deep = True returns a deep copy of data.


remove nones from data


Set logger verbosity used when client is called with -vvvvv

Module contents

This package contains tools to populate and validate the system